PowerSchool FAQ's
Welcome to the Parent Portal for North Montgomery School Corporation. In the future, you may skip this introductory page by pointing your browser to https://powerschool.nm.k12.in.us/public and bookmarking that page. We have tried to put together some useful information to commonly asked quesitons and provide resources to the Parent Portal. Please keep in mind that while you are logged into the Parent Portal, you may also find answers by selecting the ? at the top.
- I can log in, but I do not see any assignments.
- Why do I only see F1, F2, and F3?
- What does a - - for the grade mean?
- How often will grades be updated?
- Why can't I see grades for previous trimester?
- Can I change my password?
- I have multiple children in the district. Can I have access to all their accounts under just one username and password?
- My husband/wife and I are separated/divorced, can we get another parent username and password for our child's account?
- Why am I not getting eMails from PowerSchool?