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Helping students find their true north for their future

Meeting Information

School Board Meeting Information

School board meetings are for the purpose of acting upon recommendations of the superintendent, adopting the annual budget and tax rates, adopting policies, and authorizing the spending of funds. Although any matter may come before the Board, most school related issues are handled through administrative channels.

Regular school board meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month at the Administration Building. When special meetings are called, or when a change in the time or place of a regular school board meeting becomes necessary, the change is announced to the public prior to the meeting.

All regular school board meetings, special meetings, and emergency meetings are open to the public. On occasion, closed executive sessions are held for the purpose of discussing matters protected under the Indiana Open Door Law. No official action may be taken in executive sessions. All Board action must be taken in public.

Any individual residing within the North Montgomery Community School Corporation, or group representing residents of the corporation, who seeks Board action on a specific issue must notify the superintendent or school board president of the request in writing no later than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the meeting date. Such requests shall be reviewed by the school board president and the superintendent who shall determine whether the issue is placed on the agenda.

Meeting minutes for 2017 and beyond, are located on Board Docs

Board Quick Links

Current Board Agenda
Relations with Parents